Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So many problems

After reading an article written by Dana Rohrabacher a whole new aspect of the current U.S. economic crisis dawned on me that I knew about but didn’t put that much thought into because of all the turmoil that has been happening within the country.  The U.S. has been outsourcing jobs and lots of money to China.  In this article Dana points out the massive amounts of money that U.S. gives to China, stating our trade deficit with Beijing alone in 2011 is about 300 billion dollars so far, as well as the massive amounts of jobs lost overseas being about 10 million over the last decade.  All of the information I got from this article was very shocking and disturbing to say the least.  It makes you think what is it going to be like in five to ten years if we keep up this kind of pace with China?  Are there going to be any jobs left for us when we graduate?  Can the U.S. rebound from this massive mistake and bring the money and jobs back home?
Another article I was interested in was on the topic of wars and the decline of the U.S. economy.  I chose to go this path because I was listening to NPR radio (National Public Radio) and heard a very intriguing story of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.  A statistic caught my attention when they stated that the U.S. alone in a month spends roughly 320 million dollars in aid to help the people of that country, and that doesn’t include what we spend on the war itself. I found this article to be very astounding in the way that the facts were just unbelievable.  Throughout the article they compare the amount of money spent in 2007 and 2008 in what it could be spent on helping the U.S. It was all really mind blowing making me think how many problems does this economy really have?

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard about the protests going on at Wall Street? What do you make of the Occupy Wall Street movement in light of your explorations?
